Monday 11 February 2013

Questions for focus group

What are your opinions on the characters in the script so far?

How do you feel regarding the storyline within the script?

What do you feel will happen throughout the series?

Would you watch this programme if it was real?

What channel would you expect to see this on?

What time slot do you think would be best fit for this programme?

Which character do you identify with most?

Do you think the characters behave true to real life?

If you could make any changes to the script what would they be?

If you could make any changes to the characters, what would they be?

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Script - First Draft

Script - First Draft

(All the students are sitting in the 'common room' within their dorms. Declan is sat seperately from the group)

Declan: So, why are you freaks even here? (starts to smirk)

Jennifer: Excuse me? I am not a freak. (flicks fringe, and stares at Declan defiantly)

Declan: Pfft. Okay. (winks towards Jennifer and then turns towards the rest of the group) What are you all studying?

Ashley: What you fucking calling me a freak for? (starts to walk towards Declan, squaring his shoulders up)

Jennifer: Ashley, baby, calm down! (rushes towards him and tries to pull him away from Declan) Please?

Ashley: Alright, alright. But you, (points at Declan) stay away from my effing girlfriend. (Turns and drags Jennifer out of the room towards a corridor)

Layla: (pushes her glasses back up her nose) Wow. That was... sufficiently awkward... Hi, I'm Layla! (turns toward declan with her hand held out)

(Declan sneers at her and pulls out his phone)
(Connor enters the room with carrier bags from grocery shopping)
Connor: Hey, Abbie, come help unpack, alright?

Abbie: Fine. Whatever.

(gets up and follows her brother out of the room.)

Layla: I'll come help too!
(rushes past Declan in fear)


Layla: Oh my god, what a freak.

(Declan stands at the doorway to the kitchen)

Abbie: I know. Like, what are we gonna do, living with a wierdo like him?

Connor: Oi, leave him be. I'm sure he can't help that he was dropped on his head as a child.

(all three laugh, while Declan storms down the corridor)

Connor: Oh shit.