Wednesday 21 November 2012

Findings from Questionnaire

What kinds of programmes do you watch?
This graph shows that comedy was the most popular answer, with movies not far behind. This means I may put more comedy into my Drama.

What are your top 5 favourite programmes?
The most popular television shows watched are dramas/soaps. This means that my drama will fit in.

What age group are you most interested in?
The evidence shows that people are more interested in people their age/slightly older, meaning it fits in with my idea of university students.

Did you watch skins?
More people watched skins than didnt, that were asked.

If yes, what interested you?
More people watch skins for the teen issues and the drama.

What channel do you watch?
As the people I asked were teens, the most popular channel was E4, the ones aimed for a teen audience.

Which of these would you most likely watch?
I asked which kind of drama they would watch, and murder mystery was the most popular, meaning that my drama would fit in well.

What kind of storylines do you find most interesting?
All of the participants said crime was the most interesting, and so I have this featured heavinly in my drama (murder). I also have drugs, love and drama featuring in the show.

What interests you about murder mystery?
People say that the murder and the suspense are the main reasons they watch a murder mystery. They also find the investigation interesting.